Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa

Advice to the New Zealand Government on its first three emissions budgets and direction for its emissions reduction plan 2022 – 2025.

Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa is the Commission's first advice to Government on climate action in Aotearoa New Zealand. The advice in this report details paths Aotearoa New Zealand can take to meet its climate targets.

Our draft advice was released for public consultation in 8 April 2021. The report was delivered to the Minister of Climate Change and then tabled in Parliament in June 2021.

On this page you'll find links to our draft and final advice, summaries of our final advice, and the supporting evidence, submissions, modelling and data that informed our analysis.


Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa [PDF – 7.5 MB]

Recommendations from Ināia tonu nei: a low-emissions future for Aotearoa [PDF – 325 KB]