Ināia tonu nei: Submitter profiles

Where submissions came from and how we received and analysed them.

The 15,404 submissions we received came to us through:  

  • Have your say - our online consultation portal was used by 4,247 submitters 
  • – our public information email address was used to provide 11,118 submissions including the template submissions we received
  • Postal service – 39 submitters posted their submissions to us in hard copy.  

Of those 15,404, we received 14,463 individual submissions, 901 submissions from organisations, 39 submissions from Iwi/Māori.  
The ‘100 Coastie Voices’ campaign gathered an additional 167 responses from across Aotearoa.  

As submissions were received, and insights and new evidence identified, for key themes and findings to be recorded. Submissions were tagged by theme during this process, for example active transport, impacts of transitioning to a low carbon economy, and honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi.   
The following elements were considered: 

  • Type, amount, and quality of evidence 
  • Consistency of findings 
  • Applicability of international evidence to Aotearoa 
  • Applicability of evidence from one organisation to other organisations within the sector.  Senior technical staff considered submissions that focused on their specific areas of expertise, working closely with the wider analytical team and the processing team to discuss themes and ensure input was cross-referenced.   

Evidence we received through submissions and engagements was used to test and refine our modelling assumptions and inputs. Our judgements, conclusions and recommendations were also assessed and modified where appropriate in light of the material we received. Submission themes, including how they changed and shaped our advice, were discussed with the Commission board and considered as part of making final judgements on our advice and recommendations.  

You can find out more about what we changed after consultation in Chapter 2 of Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa.