Reviewing Aotearoa New Zealand’s NDC and biogenic methane

In April 2020, Minister for Climate Change James Shaw asked the Commission to review Aotearoa New Zealand's first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, and to produce advice on the potential reduction in biogenic methane (which might eventually be required by Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the global efforts under the Paris Agreement).

This request was made under section 5K of the Climate Change Response Act, which allows the Climate Change Minister to request our advice on matters relating to climate change.

Our advice

We provided this advice in 2021 as part of Ināia tonu nei, our first report to the government.

Our advice on the first NDC is presented in Chapters 21 and 22 of Ināia tonu nei, and our advice on biogenic methane is presented in Chapter 23.

Related documents

Letter from Minister Shaw requesting this advice [PDF – 110 KB]

Terms of Reference for this request [PDF – 161 KB]