Annual Report 2021–2022

The story of our work for the year ended 30 June 2022.

This Annual Report tells the story of the Commission's mahi in 2021 and 2022.  Following the delivery of Ināia tonu nei (our first piece of advice to the Government) in 2021, our third year marked our movement into a new phase as an organisation.

Our key highlights this year included the development and release of two pieces of agriculture-related advice, the development of our first annual Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) advice, the development of our long-term work programme, and supporting staff performance and wellbeing.

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Erratum: The Commission’s FY21/22 annual report inadvertently omitted to disclose a settlement payment relating to the cessation of a staff member's employment. This has been updated (refer p.56 “Staff remuneration”).