He Pou a Rangi joins International Climate Council Network to support global climate action

We have joined forces with fellow climate-advisory groups as part of the International Climate Councils Network (ICCN), which launched on 1 November 2021.  

The ICCN consists of climate advisors to Government from around the world, and is tasked with supporting world leaders to deliver on the Paris AgreementThe membership of the network represents climate councils from countries that collectively contribute to 10% of global emissions. 

Following the launch, an open letter was sent to international Ministers (including Minister Shaw) from the ICCN notifying leaders of five key principles the network has identified that will enable global action against climate change. These principles include: 

  • A robust grounding in the latest climate science, supported by strong expertise across relevant economic, physical, ecological and social sciences 
  • A mandate to provide independent, evidence-led advice to and assessment of action by Government and stakeholders on climate mitigation and/or adaptation, with sufficient resources to deliver 
  • A remit to produce advice on the socioeconomic aspects of the climate transition to ensure that it is fair  
  • An impartial approach to engaging with stakeholders to help develop consensus and steer policy action, particularly in critical and/or challenging areas  
  • A focus on strengthening and aligning adaptation, mitigation and just transition efforts, and improving their integration – all three are essential to effective climate action. 

 Our contribution to the ICCN is an exciting moment, as it means we’ll be part of combined efforts between key international players that allow us to learn from and contribute to new knowledge and technologies that will ensure a global reduction in emissions. We will be  joining the likes of Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France and Switzerland as part of the ICNN, so we can contribute to, and benefit from, shared knowledge to limit global emissions to 1.5c by 2050, together.   

Our inclusion in the ICCN is timely reminder of the urgent need to take climate action, now. In our advice to government in May 2021, Ināia tonu nei, we determine that to reach its targets, Aotearoa needs to create an environment where fundamental, ambitious and long-lasting change is possible to ensure a climate-resilient and low emissions future is passed on to younger generations.