Chief Executive’s expenses disclosure

Each year we share information about our Chief Executive's business expenses and any gifts and hospitality received.

Chief Executive’s business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosures

We make our Chief Executive's expenses public to provide transparency and accountability in how public money is spent, and any gifts or hospitality received. We publish these disclosures at least once a year. This information is also available via

The spreadsheets below show the business expenses incurred by the Chief Executive as well as any gifts or hospitality over the value of $50.

Chief Executive's expenses for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

Chief Executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure 2023–2024 [.XLSX – 71 KB]

Chief Executive's expenses for previous years

Chief Executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure 2022–2023 [.XLSX – 73 KB]

Chief Executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure 2021–2022 [.XLSX – 78 KB]

Chief Executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure 2020–2021 [.XLSX – 68 KB]

Chief Executive’s business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure 2019–2020 [.XLSX – 68 KB]